Category: Myanmar Publications
Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) (English)
A handout regarding the documents to be submitted for the beneficiary under the Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) and this handout also includes the matters to be followed by the beneficiary.Β “ The Purpose β’ This brochure is written with the aim of providing a clear understanding of the issues that must be followed when applying for…
Fines and Penalties for failure to comply with the provisions of applicable tax laws
Β Β (Version-06/02/2024) It is important for financially operating companies and organizations to pay relevant taxes on time. Failure to pay tax for any reason The penalties and fines for tax evasion are severe depending on the type. For this reason, we would like to inform all CBS clients, old friends and new friends about the fines and penalties…
Myanmar Investment Law
One of our partner – Mrs.May Thu Hlaing have made a brief explanation of Myanmar Investment Law 2017 for company who wants to establish and invest in Myanmar. We have provide a download link to read more about Myanmar Investment Law 2017. Here is the link. Myanmar Investment Law 2017 by Mrs May Thu Hlaing
Myanmar Companies Law (2017)
Our founder – Mrs.May Thu Hlaing have made a brief explanation of Myanmar Companies Law 2017 for company who wants to establish and invest in Myanmar. We have provide a download link to read more about Myanmar Companies Law 2017. Here is the link. Myanmar Company Law 2017 by Mrs May Thu Hlaing
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